Marianne Svašek is a Netherlands-based musician practicing Indian classical music as a singer and sarangi player.

As one the first students within the Indian music department at the Rotterdam Conservatory, she graduated cum laude in both singing and sarangi. Already as a student, she started working as a teaching assistant for ear training. Now she runs an intensive Dhrupad study programme both abroad and in her home teaching practice. She frequently visits Lithuania, Israel, France, Germany, the Czech Republic and other countries for workshops and concerts. She has also been a teacher and course leader at the Rotterdam Conservatory since 2001. Marianne has over 25 years of experience giving workshops and concerts across the world. 

Being one of the first women to practice and learn Dhrupad, she wishes to encourage female representation within this style of music. Marianne learned with the renowned vocalist Ustad Zia Fariduddin Dagar in India from 1994 until his passing in 2013. She has also studied Sarangi with Joep Bor (musicologist and founder of World Music department at Rotterdam Conservatory) and Pandit Ram Narayan (Indian musician who popularized Sarangi as a solo concert instrument). 

Marianne was born in The Hague in 1959 and currently lives in Rotterdam. She speaks and teaches in Dutch, English, German, French and Czech.
